Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

I don't usually post these for all the world to see, since that makes it extra embarrassing when I fail to accomplish them. Several friends have taken the plunge, though, so I feel more inspired this year - so here goes!

  1. Get all the wedding and honeymoon planning done, and then remember to have fun!
  2. Exercise more. It's actually quite fun! Specifically, I'd like to:
    • Go to gym 3+ times a week
    • Find a good yoga class and go at least once a week
    • Hike more in the summer, go backpacking at least once
    • Ride a bike to/from work spring-fall
  3. Lose some weight. 10-20 lbs would be nice. Should be easy if #1 is done. My goal is to lose 10lbs a month which means I should be done by end of Feb. :)
  4. Meditate 3+ time a week for at least 30 mins.
  5. Take dancing lessons (enough so that by July I can dance well enough to feel confident)
  6. Take French lessons and get my vocab and grammar back to the point where I can hold a basic conversation and read news, etc.
  7. Keep in touch with my friends in far-away-places more often.
  8. Make more of an effort to socialize with friends. Have them round for dinner, drinks, movies or poker more often - once a month or more.

1 comment:

The Sweet Kid said...

meditation... cool dude. Personally, I believe in opening my chakras (not because I'm an avatar fan, but 'cause they're real), which is really quite fulfilling. I haven't done it in a while, and will pretty soon. If interested, I wrote an article about it on wikiHow... just sayin'.